News and Articles

Make Sense News Australia: January 2021

Best of the month

Here we selected the best pieces of news posted in January 2021 in five categories: Best of the best, Triggering, Thoughtful, Emotional and Concervative. Enjoy!

How We Choose

We’ve selected the top most engaging news articles on Twitter from Australian news media. The selection criteria are based on logical fallacies statistics found in the retweets and comments.

Critical Concentration

From newspaper “The Australian”: “The Victorian people who endured an extended Covid lockdown and the nation’s contact tracing teams are this newspaper’s Australians of the Year.”

Make Sense News Australia: 11 December-17 December 2020

How We Choose

We’ve selected the top most engaging news articles on Twitter from Australian news media. The selection criteria are based on logical fallacies statistics found in the retweets and comments.

Critical Concentration

“‘I’m in the mood to lose my job’: CCTV shows police officer grabbing Aboriginal teen, threatening others in NT watch house…”

The response contains approximately 45% of comments that look a lot like fallacious reasoning of any type our detector can recognise. Spread between reasoning type groups:

Appeal to Tradition - Definition and Examples


argumentum ad antiquitatem or Appeal to Tradition - Believing something is right just because it’s been done around for a really long time.

other names

  • Appeal to Antiquity
  • Appeal to Common Practice

An appeal to tradition essentially makes two assumptions that are not necessarily true:

The old way of thinking was proven correct when introduced, i.e. since the old way of thinking was prevalent, it was necessarily correct.

Make Sense News Australia: 5 December-11 December 2020

How We Choose

We’ve selected the top most engaging news articles on Twitter from Australian news media. The selection criteria are based on logical fallacies statistics found in the retweets and comments.

Critical Concentration

“Labor’s Kristina Keneally says the rise of right-wing extremism needs to be examined through a parliamentary inquiry to evaluate Australia’s readiness to confronting the challenge…”

The response contains approximately 35% of comments that look a lot like fallacious reasoning of any type our detector can recognise. Spread between reasoning type groups:

Make Sense News Australia: 27 November-3 December 2020

How We Choose

We’ve selected the top most engaging news articles on Twitter from Australian news media. The selection criteria are based on logical fallacies statistics found in the retweets and comments.

Critical Concentration

“One rule for SAS, another for Dan Andrews - If we want the truth from our military about how people were killed in Afghanistan, we must also demand it from our political leaders about why people died in Victoria…”