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Good news!

  • Daily most triggering piece of news from Australia will be posted on Twitter @Makesensenews1 Please follow if interested.
  • We upgraded AI model to v.8. We teached it more Name-Calling examples especially related to identity politics.

What system is checkling most of Australian news media tweets and comments on twitter and those containing highest concentration of fallacies from our logical fallacies list, are concidered most important and @Makesensenews1 retweets them.

Appeal to Emotion - Definition and Examples


Appeal to emotions, argumentsum ad passiones, for the children is the attempt to convince someone by exciting their emotions rather than producing a rational argument. This fallacy is a part of Red Herring Fallacies group.

There are several specific variants of this fallacy:

Appeal to Fear or Consequences

argumentum ad consequentiam argument is made by making other someone fear a possible outcome without any supporting evidence

Ad Hominem - Definition and Examples


Argumentum Ad hominem is discussion method to reply in a way to minimize value of opponent’s argument by discrediting him/her. Currently it’s included into Red Herring Fallacies group.

This term was first defined by rhetoric scholars in classical Rome times. Then it ment using and appealing to personal point of view including appeal to emotions. In contrast to it, argument could be also ad rem (to the point), or to absolute truth ad veritatem. Argument ad rem is having a purpose to support and proof the statement true with scientific methods while the goal of A.H. is often to win discussion with opponent.